Reliable data analysis can help you align policy, services, and resources to customer and place needs

Public sector decision makers have access to more data than ever before. But using it effectively to inform decisions and shape actions is a critical operational challenge. You can access the tools and analysis you need through our public sector insight studio.

  • Proprietary platforms
  • Tested methodologies
  • Technology agnostic
  • Proprietary platforms
    Icon depicting computer programming
    Analytical platforms specifically designed for the public sector.
  • Tested methodologies
    bar chart icon
    Financial and economic models and analytical frameworks for generating actionable insights.
  • Technology agnostic
    Technology agnostic
    Broad experience range of technologies and platforms.

Introducing our collection of interconnected tools:

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Why Grant Thornton

We collaborate with you to understand your challenges and deliver appropriate solutions for identifying and accessing the data you require. This could be as simple as giving you access to our own platforms, or providing more in-depth, assistive analysis.

Our experience working with organisations across the public sector means that we can refer to our extensive range of use cases to frame an insight programme.

Place analytics

Understand places, people, economies and markets to enable better decision making.

CFO insights

Make better decisions by contextualising your performance with our online financial analysis tool

Financial foresight

Understanding what drives your financial trajectory will make it easier to navigate your council through continuing uncertainty. Our financial foresight service will help you respond effectively.