Make better decisions by contextualising your performance with our online financial analysis tool

Councils are having to make change

Not only to save costs, but to provide high-quality services that meet the demands of the public.

CFO Insights provides a three-dimensional view of your income and spend by category; the outcomes of that spend, and the socio-economic context you’re operating in.

You can compare your performance against every other council in England, Scotland, and Wales, and see how it relates to your geographical and statistical neighbours.

The tool provides immediate:

  • identification of the authorities with the best service outcomes
  • sight of socio-economically similar authorities and their spend on services
  • clear visualisation through mapping, bar charts, spider profiles and league tables
  • segmentation by different authority types, region, core cities and key cities
  • aggregation of different authorities’ spend
  • reduction in the time to identify sources of information.
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Contextualise spend

Understand spend levels in the context of place and socio-economic dynamics to pinpoint areas for improvement

Identify best practices

See spend in context of outcomes, and in comparison to genuine statistical nearest neighbours; so you can locate peers with superior performance

Highlight outliers

Establish lines of financial enquiry to promote efficiency by generating clear evidence you can communicate effectively

"The main benefit of CFO insights for me is the ability to focus upon outcomes as well as costs in order to prove or indeed disprove long-held hypotheses."

Guy Lonsdale, Deputy S151 Officer, North East Lincolnshire Council

Are you already using CFO insights?

Access your account to continue tracking your spend.