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As part of the public services advisory team, I lead our work on economic development and growth. My experience is in programme and policy review, economic impact assessment and appraisal, strategy development and data analysis.

This includes major projects for central government such as leading the firm’s work as part of the Towns Fund delivery partner; undertaking a review of the UK steel industry; and evaluating the 2012 Olympic legacy.

Alongside this I have also led many varied assignments for local government and sub-regional bodies from developing devolution deals, to drafting local economic strategies to preparing HM Treasury compliant business cases for major investment projects and programmes. Most recently my work has worked extensively on place based growth and in providing policy support in relation to the County Deal proposition.

I also led on the delivery of our proprietary analytics platforms, Place Analytics and CFO Insights.

Outside work, time is spent with my wife and four children. As a family we are actively involved in All Souls Church, Langham Place in London. I am also a season ticket holder at Tottenham and, if not watching Spurs, enjoy watching and reading about most other sports.

  • BA (Hons)
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Rob Turner
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Rob Turner
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