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I specialise in international asset tracing, fraud, insolvency and have extensive knowledge of cross-border litigation.

Having qualified as an insolvency practitioner in 2006, I lived and worked in the Middle East for five years. I led an administration of a wholesale bank, referred to as the largest fraud in the Middle East.

Some recent work I have been involved with includes:

  • working in India on one of the first large insolvency cases including assisting our local offices by providing training and drafting documentation to comply with the new Insolvency Code.
  • assisting the All Leisure Group Administration liaising with the Civil Aviation Association on matters relating to the cruise ships, international water matters and marine law.
  • working on an alleged Ponzi scheme linked to over 5,000 investors in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand and Canada.

I have built my knowledge on modern slavery from supply chains to enforcement including raising awareness with charities. 

Having previously taken a sabbatical break, I now have the travel bug which I highly recommend to anyone.

  • Qualified Insolvency Practitioner
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