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Capital Modelling Report 2022

What are insurers and reinsurers saying about their capital modelling resources and capabilities? Read the results of our capital modelling report 2022 for full insight and guidance on how the industry is approaching modelling in the current risk environment. You can also watch our webinar recording on demand.


Our survey results show that capital models continue to evolve, adapt, and improve. They remain an indispensable tool for insurers, and the level of investment across the industry in improving capital modelling capabilities remains high.

When we published our previous modelling survey, Brexit was probably the highest ranked 'known unknown' on our risk registers. In comparison to the issues, we see ahead of us today, Brexit is unlikely to register on the same scale. Modelling the current risk environment is easily the most challenging it has ever been since the advent of capital modelling.

In this survey, we asked insurers and reinsurers about their capital modelling resources, how they feel about their capital modelling capabilities and process, the key challenges they're facing and the ways in which they are looking to improve.

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In addition, the survey also explores the following recent market and global developments that will undoubtedly affect modelling teams: Brexit, climate risk modelling, and IFRS 17.

Download the report to get leading insight on capital modelling in insurance [ 4846 kb ]

Watch our webinar recording to catch up on our experts' analysis of these results.