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I have over 25 years’ experience of providing commercial and financial advice and due diligence across many aspects of transport. This has included providing support on transactions or solving complex commercial challenges for infrastructure owners, operators and investors, governments, regulators, freight and passenger train operators, bus operators and rolling stock leasing companies.

My experience spans all elements of the rail sector giving me an in depth understanding of the complex interfaces and the operational and commercial environment in which it operates, along with an appreciation of the various stakeholder perspectives and incentives. My experience also covers other aspects of transport including buses (both concession and commercial operators), ports and airports, as well as an appreciation of the important interactions between modes of transport.

I have a passion for transport, adding value and solving problems, ensuring passengers and users are at the heart of thinking. My experience includes the design of a number of commercial models, with innovatice aspects to enable flexibility, partnership working, and incentivisation being an integral part of the Williams Rail Review providing commercial advice regarding industry structures and commercial models; and supporting the government during the course of the pandemic implementing emergency measures for rail operators and then providing stability for recovery and reform with the National Rail Contract design, along with supporting Transport Scotland on successfully bringing the rail operations in house. I have experience of the development and audit of bus assessments, having supported a number of combined authorities, and supported the Department for Transport on the provision of funding support during the pandemic.

Outside work, my time is taken up by family (mainly running around after my two lads!), football and keeping fit when I can.

  • Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), Accounting
  • ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales)
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Jason Hurst
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Jason Hurst
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