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Head of Valuations and Modelling

Tomas Freyman

I lead our Valuations & Modelling team in the UK. I am passionate about creating a culture where everyone can succeed and achieve their greatest potential. 

Outside of my leadership roles, I focus on valuations. Most of my experience has been for financial reporting, accounting, tax and litigation purposes. Since 2006, I have developed particular expertise across the energy and infrastructure sectors. 

Selection of my experience:

  • Valued many gigawatts of renewable energy generating capacity for dozens of corporates and infrastructure funds investing in wind, solar, biomass, energy efficiency and energy storage
  • Recurring engagements with a wide variety of infrastructure funds investing in utilities, airports, other transportation assets and social infrastructure
  • Fairness opinions relating to listings of operational wind, solar, energy efficiency and energy storage portfolios
  • Valuations of portfolios of performing and non-performing loan books for various banks across Europe
  • Valuation mandates with financial institutions including insurance, banks and wealth management
  • Valuation of a broad range of companies in distressed situations due to excessive pension and/or debt obligations

I am from Canada but have made the UK home since 2005. I’m married to Alice and now live in Maida Vale, London, trying to keep up with my four children and Ellie, a very hyper spaniel.

If I can’t help you, I will do my best to introduce someone who can and so I look forward to hearing from you.

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  • CFA
Get in touch
Head of Valuations and Modelling
Tomas Freyman
Meet our People