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I am a director in our Forensic and Investigations team, specialising in financial services. I have over 20 years’ experience in investigations and disputes across all segments of the financial services industry. I have led on multi-jurisdictional regulatory investigations, as well as investigations into culture, conduct, controls, compliance programmes and systems, and accountability. Throughout this I have had extensive engagement with whistle-blowers.

I have presented investigation findings to regulators, which firms have relied on to respond to inquiries, enhance controls, manage conduct issues and recover monies owed. I spent seven years at the Royal Bank of Scotland plc, conducting complex and sensitive investigations, and prior to that spent 12 years in a leading forensics practice.

I regularly work with a mix of legal and non-legal advisers on complex or sensitive investigations, providing a breadth of expertise and insight that strengthens approaches to handling issues and delivers high quality and cost-effective support to our clients.

  • LLB (Bachelor of Law)
  • Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), Finance (University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand)
Steve Donaghy
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Steve Donaghy
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