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Jenn Barnett
Head of Inclusion, Diversity and Wellbeing

Jenn Barnett

I am a highly experienced people professional, currently leading inclusion, diversity and health, where I am responsible for embedding ways of working to enable everyday inclusion and long term sustainable, optimum performance for all.

I have led large culture change programmes, run senior level leadership development and designed behaviour change programmes, coached and developed CEO and senior leaders and embedded operating models that support inclusion and diversity.

I’m passionate and committed to improving inclusion and diversity, because I know how important belonging is, and the impact exclusion can have on our mental wellbeing. I also know it’s hard, because it requires the majority to shift to enable the minority to positively flourish. From a personal perspective, I’m really passionate about improving social mobility because I believe the barriers created can be huge and unseen. I was also diagnosed with a rare condition called Dermatomyositis in 2018. Coming to terms with that and shifting my lifestyle has had a big impact on my understanding of medical conditions and the impact physical illness can have upon mental health. While this was a hard time in my life, I do believe the impact of this has given me a great strength of character, a humbleness and sense of perspective. If we can learn to prioritise our mental fitness and create healthier and more sustainable habits, I think it will have a big impact on our strength and capability.

I live in a small village near Windsor with my husband Will and his two children Lucas and Max. We have an allotment, a lovely cockapoo called Bagel and I have a very naughty horse called Breac.

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  • Executive Coach Supervisor
  • Fellow of the CIPD
  • NLP practitioner
  • MSc Psychology
Jenn Barnett
Get in touch
Head of Inclusion, Diversity and Wellbeing
Jenn Barnett
Meet our People